Clay Sculpture
Beth and Zeeb have been creating small clay beings for over 25 years. Each piece is an individually formed sculpture. Beth's forte is hand-building, forming each little person, while Zeeb works with potters wheel, kilns, and glazes.
The fey are nature's gift, falling from Beth's fingers; magical beings taking shape from formless lumps of clay. She is still delighted, even after 20 years, when a cluster of them sit gazing up at her from her worktable, newly born. Their magic lies in personifying the fey quality of the spirit of nature.
Their wings take form from the pressings of real leaves, the merfolk's tails with shell pressings. Fine strands of clay hair adorn their heads.
Here Zeeb's work as Wizard of earth and fire begins. He takes these fragile bits of clay, and, with kiln of slowly building fire, turns them hard as stone, . ....... Cooling, then applying glazes, stains and colored oxides, he brings a gentle luster and color to the finished pieces in the next firing.
Archetypal images:the gods and goddesses of nature. These beings arise from the metaphors inherent in contemplation of the mysteries of being: the elements, nature, the cosmos. They personify universal concepts and their associated human experiences. (note; see intros to goddess pots, pan and may queen, individual goddesses, moon and sun, etc)
Each piece we make is a unique and individual work of art, the pieces we've shown on this site are samples of our most popular designs and concepts, and often have pieces on hand that resemble the pieces pictured here